All regular public meetings are currently available in-person at the center and through Zoom. See below for the Zoom connection information
Wednesday 7:00 pm: Meditation and Discussion.
The purpose of the Wednesday evening meeting is to provide group practice and discussion that will be meaningful to students at every level. The content of each meeting will be informed by the interests of the participants, and may include one or more of the following:
- A Dharma talk followed by questions and answers.
- Meditation with instructions or a guided meditation.
- A book reading followed by discussion.
Short prayers will be recited in English at the beginning and end of each session. The links to the texts are below.
Participants are encouraged to share their questions, reactions, and experiences with the group.
These are the texts for the group chants:
Refuge and 4 Immeasurables — At the beginning we chant verses of Buddhist refuge and the 4 immeasurable virtues.
Dedication and Aspiration — At the end we chant verses to dedicate the merit of our practice and an aspiration to benefit all beings.
Sunday 10:30 am: Sadhana practice.
A sadhana is a formal practice that includes chanting, visualization, mantra repetition and meditation. Texts with pronunciation and translation are provided on the links below. Don’t feel you have to chant, you are welcome to just observe and read the English translation.
On the first and third Sunday of the month we chant the Sadhana of the Medicine Buddha, a Buddha of healing. Medicine Buddha Text
On the second and fourth Sunday we chant the Chenrezik and Amitabha Sadhanas. Chenrezik Amitabha Text
If there is a fifth Sunday we do Sitting Meditation.
To join us on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 661 658 7090
Passcode: AAKTC
To connect to Zoom by phone:
Use the Meeting ID above and the numeric passcode below:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Passcode: 866379
All events are free. Donations are welcome.
Check our Calendar for changes to the regular schedule or special events.