Lama Tsultrim Gyaltsen Visit September 22-24, 2017

Lama Tsultrim Gyaltsen took refuge with Ven. Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche in 1984 at the Ann Arbor KTC, where he was a member for eight years. He entered the the traditional Tibetan three-year retreat in 1992, and has been in residence at Karme Ling, retreat center for Karma Triyana Dharmachakra, Woodstock, NY. since then. He is currently a retreat master in the men’s retreat at Karme Ling.

Public Talk — Interconnected: Connecting With Spiritual Life in the 21st Century
Sept. 22; 7:30 p.m.
Lama Tsultrim based his talk (seminar) on the book Interconnected by The Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje. The book is not strictly about Buddhism, but incorporates Buddhist principles to explore how we can go beyond a mere intellectual understanding of our connections to one another and to the earth. By first seeing, then feeling, and finally living these connections, we can become more effective agents of social change.

Interconnected Weekend Seminar at Karma Thegsum Choling
Saturday & Sunday, Sept. 23-24, 10:00 a.m.-12:00, 2:00 p.m. -4:00 p.m.
Lama Tsultrim further explored of the book Interconnected by The Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje with talks and meditation exercises to explore our experience of our connections to others and the earth by gaining emotional awareness.

Introduction to Tranquillity Meditation Sunday, October 30

Whether you are interested in meditation as a spiritual path, or simply for its benefits as a way to reduce tension, cope with stress, and gain a more positive outlook, this class will provide everything you need to start and maintain a regular sitting practice.  This will be a great opportunity to bring along friends and family who are curious about meditation!

Led by Lama Nancy, resident teacher at the Ann Arbor KTC, the session will include instruction, meditation practice, and discussion.

Sunday October 30, 10 AM – 12 Noon.

No prior meditation experience needed.

Meditation Workshop: Training the Mind in Compassion Oct 15.

Learn and practice meditation techniques aimed at helping us develop our own inherent compassion at this free workshop.  The day will include training in tonglen or “sending and taking” meditation in which we will learn to increase our compassion for others (ranging from our nearest and dearest to those who annoy or even harm us) while decreasing our attachment to our own self-image.   We will also learn to use slogans to extend our practice from formal sitting sessions to the remainder of our lives.  By increasing our compassion for others, we simultaneously decrease our own ego-clinging and the pain it causes us.

Led by Lama Nancy, resident teacher at the Ann Arbor KTC Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Center, the day will alternate instruction with periods of practice and discussion.

Some prior experience in meditation recommended but not required.  Please register by emailing Lama Nancy at  For further information, call Pat Forsberg-Smith at 734-678-7549 or see our website:

Schedule:  10:00-12:30    Morning session
12:30-1:30      Lunch break (bring a vegetarian lunch if you wish)
1:30-4:00        Afternoon session

Location: Ann Arbor KTC Buddhist Meditation Center, 614 Miner St., Ann Arbor 48103
Free; donations welcome.

Lama Nancy Burks has been a student of Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche since 1978.  In February 2000, she completed a traditional 3-year, 3-month meditation retreat under his guidance at Karme Ling Retreat Center in upstate New York.  In addition to teaching and leading meditation practices at the Ann Arbor KTC, she is available for individual instruction and guidance.

“Look at all experience as a dream. . . .  Be grateful to everyone. . . .  When misfortune fills the world and its inhabitants, Make adversity the path of awakening.”
–From “The Seven Points of Mind Training” in The Great Path of Awakening: The Classic Guide to Lojong, a Tibetan Buddhist Practice for Cultivating the Heart of Compassion by Jamgon Kongtrul, Translated by Ken McLeod, Shambhala, 2005

Meditation Workshop: Tranquillity Meditation Saturday Aug. 20

In our busy, complicated lives, we focus most of our attention outward as we constantly interact with the complex world around us.   Much of the time, we leave our minds on automatic pilot and take their inner workings for granted.  Meditation allows us to turn our attention inward and gain perspective on our lives and priorities.

Spend a Saturday learning and practicing shamatha meditation, also known as “tranquillity meditation” or “calm abiding” in the Buddhist tradition.  Shamatha promotes mindfulness, stability, and calmness, helps reduce both physical and mental stress, and lays a foundation for more advanced meditation practices such as vipassana or “insight meditation.”

Led by Lama Nancy, resident teacher at the Ann Arbor KTC Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Center, the day will alternate instruction with periods of practice and discussion.  Participants will learn basic methods of shamatha meditation, techniques to deepen the meditation experience, and tips for overcoming various obstacles that might arise.

Suitable for those who have not meditated before as well as experienced meditators seeking to deepen their practice.  Bring your own vegetarian lunch if you wish.  Please register by emailing Lama Nancy at

Schedule:  10:00-12:30    Morning session
12:30-1:30      Lunch break
1:30-4:00        Afternoon session

Free; donations welcomed.

Buddhist Refuge Ceremony Sunday, July 17

Dear Friends,

I will be performing the Buddhist Refuge Ceremony on Sunday, July 17 at 2:00 pm at the Ann Arbor KTC, 614 Miner St., Ann Arbor, MI 48103.  If you or anyone you know might be interested in taking Refuge, you are welcome to participate.

Refuge is a ceremony in which you formally enter the Buddhist path and take the Buddha, his teachings, and his community as your sources of refuge in this endeavor.  It takes about an hour and there is no charge to participate (though it is customary to make a small offering, such as a white scarf or small donation).

If you would like to participate, or have any questions, please email me:

Lama Nancy