About Our Center

Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche)

Ann Arbor KTC was founded in 1978 under the guidance of Ven. Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, who was the resident abbot of Karma Triyana Dharmachakra until he passed away in October, 2019.

The Ann Arbor KTC is in the building at 614 Miner St. that was the Miner Street Grocery Store. It is in the heart of the Water Hill neighborhood in northwest central Ann Arbor.

The entrance is at the back. Use the driveway on the north side of the house. If meditation has begun feel free to quietly join us.

In keeping with Tibetan tradition, shoes are not worn in the shrine room. There is a space provided for your shoes under the coat hooks in the kitchen.

The shrine room is handicap-accessible. Please call or email to let us know you are coming so we can let you in through the front door.

Wednesday Evening at AAKTC, on Wednesdays at 7 pm, we offer sitting meditation followed by a discussion of meditation and Buddhist concepts. The content of the discussion will be based on the interests of the participants. Bring your questions!

On Sunday mornings we do sadhana practices at 10:30 a.m. A sadhana is a formal practice that includes chanting, visualization, mantra repetition and meditation. Texts are provided with pronunciation and translations.

Individual meditation instruction and spiritual guidance is also available and can be arranged by emailing lamanancy@annarborktc.org.

We also a variety of special events, including programs by visiting lamas and teachers. Check our events page for more information.


Ann Arbor KTC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. The board members are currently:

Caitlyn (Tsekyi) Buchanan, President
Tim Wellman, Secretary
William (Yeshe) Soergel, Treasurer
Lama Nancy Burks, Director
Joe Myers, Director